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hello you,

ready to feel less stressed about your little one's sleep?
you're in the right place
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trust your


Supporting more sustainable sleep for families brings me so much joy, but if bespoke sleep support isn't the right fit for you just now, you'll find tonnes of free and instantly implementable advice across on instagram. Your baby doesn’t need to learn how to ‘self-soothe’ or ‘link sleep cycles’ in order to get better sleep, despite what you may have read online. Working with me feels like a chat with a friend, so bring a cuppa to your consult and know you are in truly gentle hands.


supporting more sustainable sleep for families, without leaving babies to cry.

a responsive, attuned approach
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Supporting a little human (and their whole family) to get better sleep, is far from a one-size-fits-all approach. Often, this type of plan will tell you to stop night feeds, put your baby on a strict schedule and have you questioning your natural instincts to respond.


Infant sleep is not a linear process- one week your babe can be sleeping 5 hour stretches, and the next they can be waking every few hours, wanting only you for comfort. By talking through our expectations of little babes sleep and comparing this to the biological norms, we can often alleviate the 'fear' of getting it wrong, that many parents experience.


My first course of action in any sleep situation will always be reassurance. Reassurance that you are not doing anything wrong, reassurance that your baby is not broken because they wake in the night and reassurance that you know your baby best


Through listening without judgement, we'll consider the whole picture- not just the sleep schedule and you can rest assured that at no point in my support will I ask you to leave your child alone to cry. You are the expert on your child and having trained under the most comprehensive Holistic Sleep Coaching Programme in the world, I place responsiveness, respect and attachment at the core.

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what parents are saying

We decided to book a full moon consultation with Charlotte after reaching 10 wake ups every night with our 10 month old.I was feeling completely lost with what to do. The first night after our consultation, by making the gentlest of changes, our son woke only 5 times.


It felt magic! And the improvements continued.Charlotte’s approach to working with us was absolutely fantastic- she was friendly yet professional and we were really impressed by her knowledge.


She helped us to understand what might be causing so many wakes and to tackle some quite scary areas like cot naps. Our son went from only napping in the pram (with strong motion to go to sleep) and waking regularly on the evening and at night, to where we are now which is 2 cot naps and night stretches of 3-6 hours.

truly holistic

Sleep is not it's own entity. 


So many factors affect your baby's sleep including illness, allergies, developmental phases, teething, separation anxiety, language acquisition, new physical skills and basic sleep hygiene.


Together we'll unpick these to find a root cause, and if this is not something I can help with, I'll be able to point you in the direction of the support you may need

source of support

You might come across a post on my social media that resonates with you enough that you are able to make a simple change and see sleep benefits straight away. 


You may have a more complex sleep situation and want to talk further to see if there are any ways I can support you with optimising your baby's sleep. 


Either way, I'd really love to chat, please don't hesitate to reach out.


you're the expert

No one knows your baby like you do.


None of of the sleep suggestions I make are prescriptive rules or schedules you must follow.


Instead, based on your child's individual needs, temperament, preferences and importantly, your family dynamic, the suggestions you receive will be tailored to your current situation.


You get to choose where to begin, what to implement and how to proceed.



trusting instincts

We don't need a research paper to tell us that responding to our baby's cries feels like the right thing to do.


Training with the Holistic Sleep Coach Programme means that I have the most thorough training on baby and infant sleep that exists worldwide.


At no point will I ever suggest leaving your little one alone in a room to cry.

sleep socials

It can feel so isolating when you're in the midst of sleep struggles + it feels like you're the only one awake in the early hours.

Creating a judgement free space to connect with local parents was really important to me and 2022 saw the launch of the
Shropshire Sleep Social; a place to openly talk sleep, drink coffee, eat cake and leave feeling empowered about your baby and their sleep.

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say hello!
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  • @sleepymoonbabe

If you have any questions, I'd love you to get in touch; you can use the form here.



Charlotte Billingham 

Shropshire, UK


You can connect with me on Instagram @sleepymoonbabe

thanks for reaching out, I'll get back to you asap!

© 2023  s l e e p y m o o n b a b e

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